How to Support Musicians Through Covid-19
Well, here we are folks— another post about COVID-19.
As more and more shows are being cancelled, musicians and small businesses alike are feeling the affects of this virus. Restaurants and breweries are closing, shows are cancelled, and we’re all urged to stay home and social-distance from each other. It’s so important to keep supporting your favorite musicians (and small businesses) through this trying time.
Here’s how you can support musicians from your home as we all practice social-distancing:
Engage on posts on social media! - A small gesture of liking, commenting, or sharing on Instagram or Facebook goes a long way!
Listen to albums/playlists on streaming platforms. - Every stream counts and helps put a little cash into musicians’ pockets!
Buy some merch! - We know that everyone is feeling financial stress, but if you’ve been thinking about buying a tee or coozie from your favorite artist, now is the time to do so!
Share their music with your friends. - Keep passing along musicians’ names and introduce them to new listeners!
Every little bit helps in the long run! Thanks y’all and stay healthy!