Gold Ship Welcomes New Content Creator Eric Vanover to the Team

Eric is an Appalachian emigre born of the mountain coalfields.  From the sharp a cappella hymns his grandparents sang to the off-key vocals of his first punk show, following live music of all genres has been a way of life. 

He's decided that its time to take his passion for live music and venue hopping to the public.  Pairing album reviews and live performance evaluations for a finer impression of the artist, as well as insight into music venues up and down the East Coast, Eric hopes to equip readers with a unique guide to their music entertainment.  

The addition of Eric Vanover to the team is the beginning of bright things at Gold Ship Records, as we look to expand our content beyond our artists. We have some amazing things coming in 2020— not only are we launching a blog to house content such as album reviews and music industry news, but are also launching a full clothing line. Needless to say, we’re pretty damn excited for what the New Year will bring!

Andrew Sergent

Founder of Goldship Records, Drummer, Golfer, Collector of Sports Cards and Zero Skateboards

Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion – Holiday Hangover Edition


Breaking the Fourth Wall with Mark Webb Jr. (Feature Story)